Thursday, March 12, 2009

" An Everyday with an Angel "

"Everyday I was given the chance..
To see her even with just a glance,."

"Everyday I get to see her angelic face..
Never seen to be in grimace.."

"Everyday I get to touch her snow white skin..
Not even a stain within,.”

“Everyday I get to see her angelic smile..
It could make you smile in just a while..”

“Everyday I get to hear her angelic voice..
It could silence even the most loudest noise..”

"Everyday I could be her superhero..
To bad people and things, "No can do.."

"Everyday I am able to be at her side..
Always wishing her to be my bride.."

"Everyday I could be her crying shoulder..
TO her i could be the best comforter.."

"Everyday I was holding her..
Being afraid to be away be with each other."

"Everyday in her life i became a part..
No one can keep us being apart.."

“Everyday I get to know her..
Making me realize she’s an Angel in disguise..”

“And Everyday I am with her..
This love of mine to her gets stronger and stronger..”

"It has been an everyday Heavenly Encounter..
It is when I am together with her..."

" A Day Being A dEe-Jay (Disc Jockey) "

A disc jockey (also known as DJ or deejay) is a person who selects and plays recorded music for an audience. Originally, disk referred to phonograph records, while disc refers to the Compact Disc, and has become the more common spelling.
There are several types of disc jockeys. Radio DJs introduce and play music that is broadcast on AM, FM, shortwave, digital, or internet radio stations. Club DJs select and play music in bars, nightclubs, discothèques, at raves, or even in a stadium. Hip-hop disc jockeys select and play music using multiple turntables, often to backup one or more MCs.

I am a real music lover and I also love talking. I thought that being a Radio Dj would be a dream job for me. I would get the chance to play songs and music that would satisfy the cravings of the listener. I could crack jokes and i could even share my thoughts on-air. I could give advices to those in need and i could be a good listener to my listener (get it?). hahaha!XD I thought that it would only be a dream. I even said to myself that if only i could just be a guest in a radio booth and be beside a DJ, that would be enough for me.

And thank God my wish was granted!

March 10, 2009. We went to Monster Radio BT 99.5 to have a recording for a play. I was very excited and overwhelmed of the place. Then we were told that we could stay at the dj's booth if we want to. I quickly took the chance and was the first one to be in the booth. It was a very remarkable and unforgetable experience. I got the chance to meet a real dj and we had some serious and wacy tals with each other. He even acknowledge our presence on air and even interviewed us. That was a very fun day. I really hope I would really get the chance to be a real DJ someday.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"Something worth Staying.."

Staying can be a very broad word. It can be the following:
  • To continue to be in a place or condition
  • To stop moving
  • To wait
  • To endure or persist:
  • To stand one's ground; remain firm.
  • To cease from a specified activity.
  • To hold out or persevere to the end of a race or challenge.
But to me.. Staying was only a plain word wherein i am not keeping up with its definition.

17 years of my existence on this world, I have seen many people go and even felt what it is lie to be left behind for those who couldn't stay. It is such a painful fact that in staying and in leaving someone.. Hurting will come its way: its either one of them will get hurt or even both of them could get hurt. I question myself, why do people tend to leave someone even though it is hard for them and they know the fact that the person they are leaving will be hurt for what they have done.

But when this certain someone came, everything changed. Before, i was used to leaving a girl when things didn't work out that fine between me and my girl. I laso didn't care that much when a girl would leave me because i told myself that there are more girls out there that would love me better. But when it came to her, i was scared in leaving her, and even more scared if she will leave me behind. It is a first time for me. It seems that my heart has found its weankess, its rival, its master. My feelings eeps on growing and growing that i unintentionally was head over heels for this person. I really don't know if she feels the same for me. But the hell i care, because as long as i love her, i would stay and i will remain in love in this way.

And that is when i realized the meaning of the word "stay" or staying to me. I was contented to stay at one place: just right beside her. I stopped moving: moving away to those who doesn't care for me. I learned to wait: waiting to be loved by her. I learned to endure: endure and persisit all the trials that would come our way. I remained firm to my decision to be with her for the rest of my life. I ceased to my usual activities like playing computer games or teasing and flirting with other people: for i will always be in the grasp of the one i love.

ANd this i think.. I really think it is.. that is something that is worth staying. Ü

"Optimism for a Martyr"

"Optimism is an outlook on life such that one maintains a view of the world as a positive place, or one's personal situation as a positive one. It is the philosophical opposite of pessimism. Optimists generally believe that people and events are inherently good, so that most situations work out in the end for the best" as defined from wikipedia which I strongly agree and as what I really am.

Optimistic ako kasi lahat ng bagay na iniisip kong kaya ko, nagagawa ko. Nagiging mukha nga akong mayabang minsan kapag napa-sobra ang powers ko e. heheheh.. I look at things positively because I just wanted to and not because of any other reasons (wala akong balak mag yabang). I just appreciate every little thing that comes my way and I am grateful for having all of those. Though I am eager to fulfill my desires, I know how to accept my failures and see it as a lesson to be corrected and not a mistake to be ashamed of. However, I am still wondering why there are people who do not value things especially their selves..... I don't think it would help them be a better person.

Why don't they listen to the songs when the tones are actually harmonic?

Why do they choose to go down when arrow points upward?

It is their choice,...they intend to hurt themselves!

*just an opinion.

matamaan, huwag magalit.Ü

"A Dream Come True"

have you ever had a dream come true?

a dream that totally amazed even you.

in this dream i find a wonderful lady

she is loving, kind and cares for me.

she walks in the shore with the smile on her face,

it caught my attention, was dazzled and amazed.

I stared at her face for about a time

never thinking that she already looking into mine.

She brightens my my life more than the sun,

we laugh together and often have fun.

And during the times that I must cry,

she is always there to make my eyes dry.

"My heart is the beach and her love is the feet..

she had touched my heart leaving footprints beneath."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A first time for something. XD

Genesis. A beginning of something.

Everything will always have a beginning. From a simple race (starting line), a basketball game (tip-off or jump ball), a simple message (heading), and even opening this computer to start this blog (switching on the computer). This blog-thingy was introduced and kinda "forced" us to make this. A project to be exact. But to think of it. Why shouldn't I try this blog-thing. To think of it, the first time I heard this blogging mania is when I was in my high-school days. Different blogs have already started to pop-out of nowhere and kinda started a commotion leading to a very drastic change to many people. But before I elaborate this more. I would like to show you the a little bit history of blogging. ^^

" History of Blogging"

Before blogging became popular, digital communities took many forms, including Usenet, commercial online services such as GEnie, BiX and the early CompuServe, e-mail lists and Bulletin Board Systems (BBS). In the 1990s, Internet forum software, such as WebEx, created running conversations with "threads." Threads are topical connections between messages on a metaphorical "corkboard."

The modern blog evolved from the online diary, where people would keep a running account of their personal lives. Most such writers called themselves diarists, journalists, or journalers. Justin Hall, who began personal blogging in 1994 while a student at Swarthmore College, is generally recognized as one of the earliest bloggers,as is Jerry Pournelle.[citation needed] Dave Winer's Scripting News is also credited with being one of the oldest and longest running weblogs. Another early blog was Wearable Wireless Webcam, an online shared diary of a person's personal life combining text, video, and pictures transmitted live from a wearable computer and EyeTap device to a web site in 1994. This practice of semi-automated blogging with live video together with text was referred to as sousveillance, and such journals were also used as evidence in legal matters.

In 1993, Dr. Glen Barry invented blogging, defined as web based commentary, linking to other articles. The "Forest Protection Blog" (originally entitled "Gaia's Forest Conservation Archives") at was also the first political blog, as Dr. Barry campaigned there for forest protection and documented these efforts as his Ph.D. project[60]. The blog initially used the gopher protocol, and has been on the web continuously since Jan. 1995, making it the web's first and longest continuously running blog. Prior to this, Dr. Barry provided forest conservation materials via email and bulletin board since 1989. The work has since evolved into the world's largest environmental portals.

Early blogs were simply manually updated components of common Web sites. However, the evolution of tools to facilitate the production and maintenance of Web articles posted in reverse chronological order made the publishing process feasible to a much larger, less technical, population. Ultimately, this resulted in the distinct class of online publishing that produces blogs we recognize today. For instance, the use of some sort of browser-based software is now a typical aspect of "blogging". Blogs can be hosted by dedicated blog hosting services, or they can be run using blog software, or on regular web hosting services.

Blogging has indeed made a great impact in the lives of many people today. Blogging became a tool of self-expression to many people. They are able to express feelings on which they are not able to express from their own mouths. An outlet of one's mind and heart, bloggers will express emotions like hatred, happiness, triumphs and many other feelings that an emotion icon in the yahoomessenger could give. Though some are kinda vulgar in some extent, but we can't blame them. They are just expressing what they feel.

"I am only a a guy with glasses. Being observant is all i know. Till next time. XD"