Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"Something worth Staying.."

Staying can be a very broad word. It can be the following:
  • To continue to be in a place or condition
  • To stop moving
  • To wait
  • To endure or persist:
  • To stand one's ground; remain firm.
  • To cease from a specified activity.
  • To hold out or persevere to the end of a race or challenge.
But to me.. Staying was only a plain word wherein i am not keeping up with its definition.

17 years of my existence on this world, I have seen many people go and even felt what it is lie to be left behind for those who couldn't stay. It is such a painful fact that in staying and in leaving someone.. Hurting will come its way: its either one of them will get hurt or even both of them could get hurt. I question myself, why do people tend to leave someone even though it is hard for them and they know the fact that the person they are leaving will be hurt for what they have done.

But when this certain someone came, everything changed. Before, i was used to leaving a girl when things didn't work out that fine between me and my girl. I laso didn't care that much when a girl would leave me because i told myself that there are more girls out there that would love me better. But when it came to her, i was scared in leaving her, and even more scared if she will leave me behind. It is a first time for me. It seems that my heart has found its weankess, its rival, its master. My feelings eeps on growing and growing that i unintentionally was head over heels for this person. I really don't know if she feels the same for me. But the hell i care, because as long as i love her, i would stay and i will remain in love in this way.

And that is when i realized the meaning of the word "stay" or staying to me. I was contented to stay at one place: just right beside her. I stopped moving: moving away to those who doesn't care for me. I learned to wait: waiting to be loved by her. I learned to endure: endure and persisit all the trials that would come our way. I remained firm to my decision to be with her for the rest of my life. I ceased to my usual activities like playing computer games or teasing and flirting with other people: for i will always be in the grasp of the one i love.

ANd this i think.. I really think it is.. that is something that is worth staying. Ü

1 comment:

  1. pag shore oie!

    "I also didn't care that much when a girl would leave me."

    isang malaking
